You get into an organization and it make sure that you stay there and make the Organization efficient and profitable. The day starts when one finds himself/herself in a place which seems like a Gurukul of early times. Its the perfect time to keep all your second thoughts aside and reap the learning from nature. The corporates call it Outbound Training/learning. Its the time when one understands that he/she is an integral part of society and it is the ecosystem that gives life to this society and all of this come at no cost. Its just that little effort is required from our side to develop various skills and be socially sensitive towards our ecosystem. If less developed life-forms can learn these skill-sets to survive and sustain, so can we.
A variety of programs are offered by various institutions for corporate organization in the form of Outbound Training Package which helps each team member/ participant in learning skills like swift action, peoples skill and smart thinking. These are the prerequisites in this contemporary world to survive in any organizational setup. In areas that involve building interpersonal relationships, trust and bonding, communication of shared vision and goals, motivation, behavior modification in response to change, and personal effectiveness such programs can prove to be of great help .
My experience :
In the initial phase I saw a clear demarcation between the two groups that was formed. One was a set of people coming from an elite family of institution and probably this created a mental blockage in accepting others as a team. This wall hindered the "gel-in" track for others. And they were not accepting others as an integral and important part of team.
Then I observed a randomness being induced to the groups by the system and it resulted in a cross boundary transition. Also the very formal setup of interaction was diverging to a more informal and open setup. This resulted in a steady flow of energy in the system and this energy later on became the energy house/source for the entire system and it kept on producing results beyond the expectation of the individual members. Finally it proved that an individual needs such kind of setup to explore more about himself/herself. People are found to become more introspective and uninhibited, paving the way for a complete and effective learning process. After spending a few days in an outdoor situation, team members tend to bond together in a way that is impossible in an urban atmosphere having its attendant worries and stress. And this complete process resulted in a well knit environment and its key elements with a clear understanding of being in a team and significance of other team members in achieving the goal.